The emotional energy that all people & animals generate and radiate, is known as “Loosh,”. Spiking with our extreme polar emotions of dread, hate, disgust, and despair. Individually and collectively, Loosesh is experienced and documented in the body, mind, and soul. Exploring the hypothesis that some experiences result in extremely high levels of mental stress, such as agony, dread, hysteria, shock, and despair. Furthermore, traumatic experiences appear to elicit strong energy reactions.
Increased trauma equals increased energy. Fear as a weapon combined with trauma-based mind control yields that luscious Loosh! Nothing is potent or more effective at drawing our energy than fear. And then, what might be thought of as energetic vampires feeding off this human-powered domain, extract our trauma-energy, aka Loosh. Recall that over time, power is equal to energy. [ P = E/t ] Their pow…